Check out the offerings by these fine, local, activity providers who will have the young ones entertained and engaged during the long and free days of summer.

Jacquie and the team offer the chance to get up close and personal with her gentle animals. Their holiday programme is open from 9 am - 3:30. They are located at 2424 Matawai Road but they have limited spaces in a van for pick-up and drop-off at the Tav Restaurant. (Pick-up is at 8:50am and drop-off is at 4pm.)
Participants need to wear appropriate footwear (gumboots or closed-toed shoes). With the beautiful weather at the moment, they’re hoping to spend plenty of time down at the river with the ponies, so also bring change of clothes, togs and towel for swimming in the pool. You’ll need sunscreen, plenty of kai and water.
Week 1: Monday - Friday, 16 - 20 December
Week 2: Monday - Friday, 8 - 12 January
Week 3: Monday 15, Wednesday - Friday, 17 - 19 January
Week 4: Monday 22 & Tuesday 23 January
Caters to ages 5+. Cost is $65 for the day.
Email pinehollowridingschool@gmail.com to register. Payments are via bank transfer (acct: Pine Hollow 06-0637-0264724-00). For more info, including booking and cancellation policy, the list of dates for the holiday programme, lessons, team building days, etc., see their facebook page (link below). With questions, ring Jacquie on 0277491629, email (above) or message her on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riverviewtreks

The Band School
Keen young musicians, beginner or pro, join The Band School at their ever-popular Busking Holiday Programme, held twice this summer holiday. Team up with others to create and rehearse your own tunes. All ages and abilities are welcome. The programme is held in the Gisborne Intermediate music department (park under the sails) from 9 am - 3 pm. In December, learn Christmas tunes to prepare your band for the ultimate busking experience. Then take to the streets to make some Christmas money! Their top earners in previous years have raised up to $90 per kid—how much can you make?
Week 1: Monday - Friday, 16 - 20 December
Week 2: Monday - Friday, 20 - 24 January
Caters to ages 5-14. Cost is $60 per day (discount for week booking).
Bookings and more info at www.thebandschool.co.nz
Gisborne Library Christmas Activities
The HB Williams Memorial Library have a whole raft of activities this time of year. Check it out below and see their website for updates.

Kei te Haramai a Hanakoko
Santa is coming to the library for a Kiwiana Christmas celebration. Bring all the whanau down and take a photo with Santa or even bring your work crew over for a team photo to end the year! Santa will be at the library on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri during the two weeks before Christmas so make sure you catch him before he heads off for a surf. Ho! Ho! Ho! Meri Kirihimete!
Week 1: Wed 11 Dec - Fri 13 Dec, 11:30 - 3:30 pm
Week 2: Wed 18 Dec - Fri 20 Dec, 11:30 - 3 :30pm
Suitable for everyone young and old!
Cost is free.

Free present wrapping at the library
Shop local and get your presents wrapped for free at the library by Santa’s little helpers.
How it works: 1. Purchase your gift locally
2. Bring your presents and receipt
3. We’ll wrap your pressie for FREE!
Week 1: Wed 11 Dec - Fri 13 Dec, 11:30am - 3:30pm
Week 2: Wed 18 Dec - Fri 20 Dec, 11:30am - 3:30pm

Christmas with Aroha
This time of year can be a bit lonely for some, and we want to help with that by sharing the AROHA! We want you to send your kind messages of aroha to someone in need of some Christmas cheer.
Here’s how it works:
Step one: Ask a librarian for a Christmas card.
Step two: Decorate card and write message.
Step three: Return finished card to librarian or pop into letter box on children librarians desk.
It’s that easy!
Week 1: Mon 9 Dec - Sat 14 Dec
Week 2: Mon 16 Dec - Fri 20 Dec

Kiwiana Christmas Events Calendar
Santa’s elves have been hard at work getting the library ready for a Kiwiana Christmas Celebration. So if you’re looking for some free fun things to do in the lead up to Christmas then the library is where you want to be. Live music, workshops, kids crafts, Christmas story time and more. Expand the lists below and keep an eye on their events calendar for more activities to come!
Week 1: Mon 9 Dec - Fri 13 Dec
December 9, Monday
Christmas masks and ornaments
10.00am – 11.30am
December 10, Tuesday
Lego Corner
For ages 7+ Due to small lego pieces and limited staff we ask that this workshop be for children 7 years or older. Parents with younger children are more than welcome to check out our Kiwiana Christmas set up in our Rangatahi Youth space.
10.00am – 11.30am
Grace McVey Musician
Join Grace McVey local Gisborne Girls High student and member of band "Eleventh Hour" for some music entertainment you'll love. Bring a drink and a snack and join Grace in the Kahui Whetu constellation courtyard, make sure to lock it in your calendar now.
1.00pm – 1.45pm
December 11, Wednesday
Hanakoko Santa
Get your photos taken with Santa and let him know if you’ve been naughty or nice.
11.30am – 3.30pm
Free Present Wrapping
Shop local and get your pressies wrapped for free by Santa’s helpers
11.30am – 3.30pm
Christmas Story time with Santa’s helpers
12.30pm – 1.30pm
December 12, Thursday
Christmas Lanterns with Izzy
Hanakoko Santa
Get your photos taken with Santa and let him know if you’ve been naughty or nice.
11.30am – 3.30pm
Free Present Wrapping
Shop local and get your pressies wrapped for free by Santa’s helpers
11.30am – 3.30pm
Christmas Story time with Santa’s helpers
12.30pm – 1.30pm
December 13, Friday
Hanakoko Santa
Get your photos taken with Santa and let him know if you’ve been naughty or nice.
11.30am – 3.30pm
Free Present Wrapping
Shop local and get your pressies wrapped for free by Santa’s helpers
11.30am – 3.30pm
Christmas Story time with Santa’s helpers
12.30pm – 1.30pm
Anahera – Live Music
Come sing with Anahera as she performs some kids' favourites. Disney karaoke fun all the whanau are sure to enjoy!
2.30pm – 3.30pm
Week 2: Mon 16 Dec - Fri 20 Dec
Week 3: Mon 23 Dec

Surfing with Sarah | Surf Coaching and Equipment Hire
Summer is the perfect time for the kids (and caregivers!) to learn how to surf. Sarah and her team provide surf coaching and equipment hire for all ages and abilities. They offer sessions every day, depending on conditions. Purchase one-off, 2-hour lessons at $75 or a 3-lesson package for $185 (all equipment included). It’s $35 if all you need is to hire a board/wetsuit.
Their venues change to get the best conditions, so contact Sarah at 022 073 9383 or by email at surfingwithsarah@gmail.com.

Tōnui Collab
STEMM Workshops: Tōnui Collab offer 3 weeks of 1-day workshops, 9am to 3pm each day at Tōnui Collab, 466 Childers Road. Their workshops encourage children to explore the diversity of STEMM - science, technology, engineering, mathematics and mātauranga Māori through the experimentation and creation of animation, engineering, game development, robotics, coding, virtual reality and more! For a description of all the courses offered, follow the link to their website (below).
Caters to ages 7-13
Cost is $50 per day.
Book online here: https://www.tonuicollab.com/holiday-workshops Questions? Contact Moana at admin@tonuicollab.com or 0800 8 TŌNUI

Week 1: Tuesday 17 - Thursday 19 December
Tuesday 17 Dec - Virtual Reality
Wednesday 18 Dec - Game Development
Thursday 19 Dec - Robotics
Week 2: Tuesday 21 - Friday 24 January
Tuesday 21 Jan - Digital Art
Wednesday 22 Jan - Robotics
Thursday 23 Jan - Animation
Friday 24 Jan - Game Development
Week 3: Tuesday 28 - Friday 31 January
Tuesday 28 Jan - Virtual Reality
Wednesday 29 Jan - Digital Art
Thursday 30 Jan - Game Development
Friday 31 Jan - Robotics

Comet Swimming Club Holiday Programmes
30-min swimming lessons with an instructor held at Elgin School Pool. Cost is for all the daily lessons for the week. During the school holidays is the perfect time to boost your little one’s confidence in the water.
Week 1: Mon 6 Jan - Fri 10 Jan
Week 2: Mon 13 Jan - Fri 17 Jan
Week 3: Mon 20 Jan - Fri 24 Jan
Caters to 3+ years.
Cost is $60 per week.
To book or find more information, go to their website https://comet-swimming-club.accounts.ud.io or email Libby at comet.libbyd@gmail.com

The Y Oscar Summer Holiday Programme
The Y Oscar programme offeres a variety of fun activities every day, from 16 December to 31 January, with bookings available from 6:45am to 5:45pm at YMCA Oscar House - 153 Disraeli Street (look for the green fence). From trips to the Kiwa Pools and the cinema to baking and arts and crafts, there’s sure to be something for everyone! Limited spaces available in December, so don’t delay.
Caters to ages 5-13.
Cost ranges from $10 (for breakfast-club and after-noon care) - $65 (full day). Ask them about their whanau discount – Ts & Cs apply. To enrol, fill out the form at the link below and email it to oscar@ymcagisborne.nz. For questions and to learn about their whanau discount, email (address above) or ring 867 9259, ext 3.

Events 4 All
The team at Events 4 All have heaps of activities that will keep your tamariki safe and having fun throughout the summer. 18 Dec - 29 Jan, 7.30am till 5.30pm. They're based at Awapuni School and schedule a variety of activities across the summer to keep the young ones entertained and to make sure there’s something for everyone. You provide a bag lunch and a drink and they have breakfast, morning and afternoon teas sorted.
Caters for ages 5-14.
Cost is $60 per day.
For more information, reach out to Colleen at 027 531 5756.

Ocean Rhythms Surf Camp
Ocean Rhythms Surf Coaching are running 3 surf camps this summer, from 9am-3:30pm each day at Midway Beach, a safe beach for kids to learn the fundamentals of surfing, develop respect for the environment and make new friends. With a soft, sandy bottom, predictable conditions, a lack of hazards, and plenty of attentive, passionate and fully trained instructors, your child will safely play in the waves and develop confidence, ocean knowledge and safety. The primary goal of this camp is to teach kids to properly assess ocean risks, have fun in nature and introduce them to a healthy activity they can do for the rest of their life!
Camp 1: Wed 18 - Fri 20 December
Camp 2: Mon 6 - Fri 10 January
Camp 3: Mon 13 - Fri 17 January
Caters to ages 6-12.
Cost is $270 for the December camp and $410 for each of the January camps (extra for equipment hire). Book via email, or email your questions, to oceanrhythmscoaching@gmail.com.
Gisborne Library Summer Activities
After the Christmas fun is over, there's still plenty of free activities to enjoy. The HB Williams Library have fun and enriching activities to keep the little ones busy during summer! Break up the long summer days with trips to the library for arts, crafts, story-time, a writing workshop, and many more and of course, fuel that love of reading!

December 16, 2024 – January 26, 2025
Hineraumati Summer Reading Challenge
Pick up a registration form from the children’s area in the library or see www.gpl.govt for downloadable registration form and full details. Weekly spot prizes up for grabs!
Read for two hours in 15 minute slots and go in the draw to one of four mystery prizes.
For ages 0-18years

December 16, 2024 – January 26, 2025
Hineraumati Summer Hunt
Search the library for all the clues to solve the hidden message. Pick up a hunt form from the children’s area.
For ages 0-18years


January 06, Monday
Book Marks
Make your own personalised book mark and one to gift to a friend.
Suitable for all.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 07, Tuesday
Join resident origami guru Liam for some origami antics. Requires patience and concentration.
Suitable for primary aged and up.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 08, Wednesday
Pompom Launchers & Paper Planes
Launching fun for everyone. Can you launch your pompom and hit the target? Come and give it a go. We’re making pompom launchers and paper planes.
Suitable for all.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 09, Thursday
Picture Frames
Upcycle cardboard boxes and turn them into picture frames. If arts and crafts is your thing then make sure to join in for some picture frame fun.
Younger children may need help from an adult.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 10, Friday
Pirate Day
Ah-hoy matey! Make all things piratey. If that sounds like fun to you then pop into the library for some DIY piratey shinanigans!
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 13, Monday
Shadow Puppets
Make shadow puppets. If you can think it, you can make it. Bring your ideas and stories to life.
Younger children will need help from an adult.
10.00am-11.30, free

January 14, Tuesday
Marble Run
Make a marble obstacle course. Will require patience and a hand from an adult.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 15, Wednesday
Super Hero Masks
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a super potatoe? Create your own super hero mask and let your imagination run wild.
Suitable for all.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 16, Thursday
DIY Water Bombs
Summer is here. Have fun with water and making your own DIY water bombs. Bring swim wear or a change of clothes cause it may get a little wet.
Suitable for all.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 17, Friday
DIY Bubble Wands
Come and make your own bubble wand out of string, sticks and pipe cleaners.
Suitable for all.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 20, Monday
Games Day
Get ready for some of your party fav’s and giant games in the courtyard.
Suitable for primary school aged and up.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 21, Tuesday
Rock Painting
Paint your very own pet rock to pop in the garden.
Young children must have one on one supervision.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 22, Wednesday
Mini Garden
Let’s get planting. Decorate your planter pot, plant your seed and watch it grow.
Suitable for all.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 23, Thursday
Paper Weaving
Weave a colourful creation using paper. Will require a little bit of patience and determination.
Under 5’s will need help from an adult.
10.00am-11.30am, free

January 24, Friday
Story Writing Workshop
Help us write a short story to create a mini story walk display in the library.
For ages 8 -17 years. 20 spots only, phone the library on 867 6709 to book your spot.
10.00am-12.00pm, free

Youth Learn to Sail
Age 11-14 and keen to sail? The Gisborne Yacht Club’s Youth Learn to Sail programme, running two times during the January school holidays will get you out on the water, easy as. Bring a wetsuit, towel, hat, sunscreen, change of clothes, and a water bottle (snack and sunglasses optional).
• Boats and life jackets provided
• Yachting NZ qualified coaches
• Crewed safety boats alongside learners
Week 1: Tuesday 7th - Thursday 10th January 2025, 10am - 1pm.
Week 2: Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th January 2025, 10am - 1pm.
Caters to ages 11-14
Cost is $200/week, which includes GYC Membership for the 2024/25 sailing season (thru May 2025), access to the club house (including changing rooms & showers), a variety of sailboats, and sailing alongside crewed safety boats on club days.
To register, contact Jake at okay.jake4062@gmail.com or 022 304 5330.