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Our Right to Repair

Remember the time that the family fridge or washing machine would last decades rather than a few years. Each breakdown was fixed by a local repair person. Unfortunately, today it is usually faster, easier and cheaper to replace household items, even when they are meant to be repairable. Most items aren't built to last, and in some cases you can't access parts for repair after a few years. 

If this feels frustratingly familiar, you'll be glad to know that we have the opportunity to re-design our future to allow us the right and opportunity to fix the (expensive) things we buy! Because it's beyond gross to send it all to landfill and hard to fathom how to afford to buy and re-buy these items. All we have to do at this stage is show our support with our MPs (easy links and suggestions below). Let's have our voices heard loud and clear. 

Our friends at Repair Network Aotearoa break it down for us. A new Bill (a proposed law) was introduced to Parliament in April 2024: the Consumer Guarantees (Right to Repair) Amendment Bill.

"This Bill seeks to take us one step closer to creating a Right to Repair in New Zealand. It would do this by changing the Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) to require manufacturers to make spare parts and repair information available to consumers and to independent repairers so that we can get our belongings fixed if they break down.


A Right to Repair gives us the power to fix the things we own - we paid for them and so we should be allowed to get them fixed if we want! When businesses know everyday people have this right, they are more likely to design products to be long-lasting and fixable in the first place. When stuff does break, a strong and well-protected right to repair means it is cheaper and easier to get stuff fixed.

The Right to Repair upholds property and consumer rights, while protecting the planet and resonating with New Zealand’s resourceful, do-it-yourself, ‘No 8 wire’ cultural values. When products are easy to repair, the benefits are obvious: 

  • products last longer, saving us money and time

  • more job opportunities in a growing repair industry

  • more autonomy for consumers to choose to fix the products they own

  • less harm to the planet because we reduce broken stuff going to landfill, keeping precious natural resources in use for as long as possible.

If you want repairable products that go the distance, add your voice to the call for the right to repair. There's power in numbers."

So, how can you add your voice to this call?

1. If you saw our post over on the socials, please leave a comment of support on those posts.

2. E-mail our local MP's with this easy template:

3. Visit these links to find out more:


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