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Gisborne Camera Club

Sarah Cleave

Winter is a great time to geek out on your interests, make new friends, and find reasons to get out of your house in the evenings!

We noticed that Gisborne Camera Club are holding an event this weekend, bringing renowned nature photographer, writer, lecture and marine scientist Kim Westerskov to town for a workshop and presentation, so jumped on the opportunity to find out why people might want to get involved in this little club that’s been trucking for more than a hundred years here in Gizzy.

We met the current president of the camera club, Julia Rae, who gave us the lowdown:

Club members meet once monthly to hone their skills, share their recent photographic exploits and supper. The monthly sessions set off with a demonstration or presentation by a visiting photographer or club member. These might involve someone sharing a series of their own works, or debriefing on a course or workshop they’ve done recently. It might involve everyone getting their cameras out and giving something a go, or it might be a case of sitting back and enjoying the show.

The second part of each meeting involves a competition of sorts. Each month members enter their prints or digital images, which are sent to an out of town judge, who gives feedback on each of the images. Each of the images are shown and the feedback read out, which might sound intimidating, but it’s all anonymous (except for the top scoring images), and Julia says that the camaraderie and opportunity to learn from each other ensures it's a positive experience.

The club also holds photography field trips and workshops, which she says are as good for developing friendships as they are skills…

She says theres a real range of photographic interests amongst the existing members, from street, still life, nature and black & white photography, or portraiture, to digital art and forms such as ‘intentional camera movement’. There’s heaps of diversity to inspire and cross pollinate your own interests with.

The Gisborne Camera Club meets on the third Thursday of every month between February and November, at the Senior Citizens Hall, from 7:30pm.

All ages and abilities are welcome! Membership costs $50 per person or $90 for a pair, per annum.

If you’re interested in learning more, get in touch via their public Facebook page and anyone can head along to this Friday’s presentation by Kim Westerskov. It’s $5 on the door at Senior Citizens Hall, 30 Grey St at 7pm.

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