Tōnui Collab
Three 1-day workshops, 9am - 3pm each day, held at Lawson Field Theatre (next to GDC on Fitzherbert Street). Their workshops encourage children to explore the diversity of STEMM - science, technology, engineering, mathematics and mātauranga Māori through the experimentation and creation of animation, engineering, game development, robotics, coding, virtual reality and more!
Monday 22 April - Virtual Reality
Tuesday 23 April - Game Development
Wednesday 24 April - Coding and Electronics
Caters for 7-13 year-olds. Cost is $50 per day.
For more info, contact admin@tonuicollab.com or by phone 0800 886684
The Y Oscar Summer Holiday Programme

A variety of fun activities every day, from 15 - 26 April (closed Anzac Day) at YMCA Oscar House - 153 Disraeli Street.
Caters for 5-13 year-olds and costs are from $45 per day with options to add on Breakfast Club and Aftercare Programmes ($10 each).
For more info, contact Max at 06 8679259 Ext: 03
Find more info about the calendar of activities here: https://ymcagisborne.org.nz/oscar/
Find registration form here.

Riverview Treks and Pinehollow Riding School Holiday Programme
Jacquie and the team offer the chance to get up close and personal with her gentle animals. Their holiday programme is open 15 - 26 April (closed on Anzac Day) from 9 am - 3:30. They are located at 2424 Matawai Road but they have limited spaces in a van for pick-up and drop-off at the Tav Restaurant. (Pick-up is at 8:45am and drop-off at 4pm.)
Participants need to wear appropriate footwear (gumboots or closed-toed shoes), and bring a spare change of clothes, lunch, and water.
Caters to ages 5+.
Cost is $65 for the day. Email pinehollowridingschool@gmail.com to register. Payments are via bank transfer (acct: Pine Hollow 06-0637-0264724-00). For more info, ring Jacquie on 0277491629 or message her on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riverviewtreks

Gisborne Gymnastics Club Holiday Programme
During the school holidays, the Gym Club offer unstructured play and activity sessions, Preschool Open Gym, and Competitive Holiday Gymnastics times.
Location is the Stihl Shop Sports Centre (537 Aberdeen Road).
Cost is $20 for all sessions.
See timetable for offerings.
Caters to ages: 5+ (except Friday morning Preschool Open Gym which is preschool ages only)
Book in or find more information here: https://gisbornegymnastics.com/holiday-program

Comet Swimming Club Holiday Programmes
30-min swimming lessons with an instructor held at Elgin School Pool. Cost is for all the daily lessons for the week.
Week 1 (Monday 15-Friday 19 April) -- $60
Week 2* (Monday 22-Friday 26 April) -- $48 *no lessons on Anzac Day
Caters to 3+ years. Book or find more information
by email: comet.libbyd@gmail.com
by phone: 0274 156 728

East Coast Museum of Technology
ECMoT are home to technologies of the past, like stationary engines, amateur radio, computers & games, vintage cars, firetrucks and much more! They’re located at 67 Main Road, Makaraka, Gisborne. They welcome people of all ages. Entry is $10 per adult, $5 for seniors/students, $2 for primary/secondary students. Under 5s are free.
Over the school holiday period, ECMOT is open
Sunday 14 April
Sunday 21 April
Sat & Sun 27 & 28 April
Reach out for more information by email enquiries@ecmot.org.nz.
HB Williams Memorial Library (all events are free)

April 13 – 28
He Puna Kōrero Reading Challenge
Read for two hours and go in the draw to win one of four prizes up for grabs. For ages 0 – 18 years.
Pick up a challenge bookmark from the library or see www.gpl.govt.nz for details

Opens April 17
Tūhura Tuarangi - Aotearoa in Space
Tūhura Tuarangi is packed with hands-on interactives to play, build, launch, and explode with your whole whānau.

April 13 – 28
ANZAC Treasure Hunt
Search the library for hidden clues to solve the mystery message. Pick up form from the children’s desk. For ages 0 – 18 years.
April 15 Monday - 10.30am
Tōnui Collab
Fun STEMM workshop for ages 7+, 20 spots only based on a first come first served basis.
April 16 Tuesday - 11.15am
ANZAC Storytime
Join the children’s team as they read through the ANZAC books from the shelves. Suitable for all ages.
HB Williams Memorial Library, 34 Bright Street
April 17 Wednesday - 10.30am
Arts and Crafts
Various arts and crafts for children and caregivers to get crafting. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. This is a self-lead activity.
April 18 Thursday - 11.15am
ANZAC Storytime
Join the children’s team as they read through the ANZAC books from the shelves. Suitable for all ages.
April 22 Monday - 10.30am
Waiata Mai ANZAC edition
As we get ready to commemorate ANZAC day the children’s team has compiled a bunch of songs of the time. Join the team for an ANZAC sing-a-long. Suitable for all ages.
April 23 Tuesday - 11.15am
ANZAC Storytime
Join the children’s team as they read through the ANZAC books from the shelves. Suitable for all ages.
April 24 Wednesday - 10.30am
Poppy Crafts
Origami poppies, poppy art and more. Suitable for ages 7+ Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. This is a self-lead activity.
April 26 Friday - 10.30am
Tōnui Collab
Fun STEMM workshop for ages 7+, 20 spots only based on a first come first served basis.

Arty Farty School Holiday Programme
Nurture children’s self-expression through art, music, dance and drama. The holiday programme is held at Kaiti School (enter via Montrose St).
Caters to 5-10 year-olds.
Options for $30 half day or $50 full day bookings.
Book via Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/kidscreationstationz
For more info, contact: kidscreationstationz@gmail.com or 021 045 8113

Ocean Rhythms Surf Camp
There are a few spots left if you've got groms keen to spend time in the water surfing.
Located at Midway or Northern Makorori (depending on weather). If you need a wetsuit and board, they’ve got you covered with an add-on rental option. The price is $410 for the 5 days of surf camp (full week signups only). If you are looking to buy a wetsuit check out Sequence Surf Shop and their variety of suits!
Caters to 6-13 year olds.
For more information and to book, email oceanrhythmscoaching@gmail.com or message them on facebook here.
Sisterson Lagoon

Tuesday 16th April come along to Sisterson Lagoon between 10am and Noon come for a walk, spot a piwakawaka, or give a hand with pulling some wild iris. We might even plant some plants.
We'll have some biscuits, and a cuppa tea, but it wont get more fancy than that.
Bring some gloves, a hand saw, or some loppers, or just come for a walk.
If you haven't been before, we are on MacDonald Road - a left turn just after the railway crossing opposite from Ravensdown.

Eastwoodhill Arboretum Creative Kids Days
The folks at Eastwoodhill Arboretum have two Creative Kids Days to entertain and inspire the kiddies. Suitable for ages 5 - 12years
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
These workshops are free to partake in but please book in advance with Rosie, as spaces are limited. Contact Rosie on 06 863 9003 or rosie@eastwoodhill.org.nz
Normal arboretum entry fees apply: Adults $15, Seniors $12, under 16’s $2.
Wed 17th April - Silhouette Art
Drop in anytime between 10am - 1pm to create some nature inspired silhouette art with collected foliage and spray-painting techniques.
Friday 26th April - Autumn Nature Window Art
drop in between 10am - 1pm and we’ll be creating some Autumn Nature Window Art with collected foliage and layering techniques.
Tairāwhiti Museum

Rangatahi Activities at Tautua Village
Ngā kai hāpai rangatahi youth council are hosting fun activities during the holidays for all rangatahi in Te Tairāwhiti come join the activities, learn a pacific dance, get creative. All rangatahi are welcome in this fun and safe space. Drop in and check it out.
Tautua Village is located at 100 Grey Street, Level 2.
Tuesday 23rd April & Wednesday 24th April
10:00 am - 2:00 pm