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64 Lowe Street

Gizzy Community

64 Lowe Street has been home to Gizzy Local for around three years now and what a transformation has taken place during that time - for both our organisation and the space itself.  And the evolution continues - perhaps you’ll be a part of this next chapter?! Please read on.

Members of the Gizzy Local whānau first connected with the owners of these buildings in 2020 when we were looking for vacant spaces for a couple of arts experiences, one of those being NOise VACANCY.  Looking back now, a powerful intention was set with that kaupapa, showing ourselves, our wider community and the building owners just how powerful creatives can be in bringing vacant spaces and their surroundings back to life!

These days our 64 Lowe Street home is warm and friendly, alive with a safe, enabling and creative wairua. The Gizzy Local office and venue is complemented by eight studios occupied by a creatives working in a wide variety of spheres, so there’s always something interesting going on in our midst!

And things are about to get even more interesting… 

Our building is set to have earthquake strengthening work done early next year, after which, the beautiful upstairs space will also be able to be occupied. This is where our wider community comes in!

We are interested in hearing from other organisations as well as individuals who are working in the arts as well as complementary spheres to the arts, whether it’s in mental health, environmental mahi, indigenous kaupapa or otherwise, who might be interested in joining this thriving wee hub of goodness!  

The upstairs could take on a number of different configurations, which might look like a central open place space occupied by a small to medium sized organisation, with office / studio spaces rented out to individuals, or a larger organisation taking the entire space. 

If this piques your interest, please get in touch! Email

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